Archivo de Jazz

Lois Blues (1972)

Posted in 1972, Argentina, Blues, Jazz, Lois Blues, Piano, Swing with tags , , , on 6 abril 2024 by wirtis
Lois Blues

Hello my brothers, today i bring you another jewel from internet. This time is a great album – like always, of course-. I stole it from this excellent blog: that is management by Pacocamorra, a knowledgest of rock and roll music and other genres. I tell this because the album i bring you sail it jazz music, in swing and blue mood. And have the particularly that the interpreter is an argentinian woman: Lois Blues, a forget jazz singer from the mighty fifties and sixties. Another particularly is that Lois Blues sounds like a typical jazz singer from EEUU but she was sung in Argentina, a place hard and difficult for that genre. However, this woman was so great that she broke stereotypes and became a legendary musician. But, this condition, be a legend, i mind; was a trap in somehow for her because she is know only for a few elite and her music is very difficult to get. In fact, this album and another recording of one concert are the all material of Lois Blues. So, i thing is important that this record is here, in free download for the people. I let this jew with you, my friends.

Michael Camilo – Thru My Eyes (1997)

Posted in Jazz, Latin jazz, Michael Camilo, República Dominicana with tags , , , on 30 octubre 2014 by wirtis

1314283890_aerbw7fzgfp4lpgzf8giz2zywHello fucking losers, here i `m again, once more like always. Today with great, great news: I’m a father, yes, yes, you sucker I’ll have the opportunity to ruin some else life. So life is good, or seems good, that, in any case, is the same. So here I’m on my own sharing music with the boy in the crew. But this is, all of this blog, is just an excuses to write.

Well, today I share a latin jazz`s record. I don`t know if you meet Michael Camilo but in pretty sure you don`t (It`s to god dam difficulty to get him). So, this old man (1954) play piano. He write some parts and play some covers. Very cool.

Maybe the question is: what in the hell is doing a latin jazz record here, Miguel? And tell you: because I like this one. For be honest is not a kind of music that I ever choose latin jazz. I prefer raw and crude rock and roll. I prefer troglodytes sounds and punk spirit. Latin jazz is too much refined and don`t have this kind of mood I’m talking about. However, there was a time in my youngness that I meet a very cool guy who plays drums. He used to listen this genre. He makes me hear it and like it very much what I heard. Because I find a raw band, with only bass (¡Oh hell yes, how I love whem bass have a notorious place in band!), drums and piano.

Obviously the record was this one today I’m sharing with you. I have  heared, through years, another records of latin jazz. I like it, but is not what I choose every day. However, this days – somehow with this thing of been a father- I have flash back tom my youngness and have recover some stuff that’s define me. That`s why I put this one right here right now, boy. So take a good listen and enjoy the powerful of latin jazz. Here you are going to find a excellent bass players, great drums and, of course, a demon pianist. Here you have: Michael Camilo. And rise your glass in my son`s because he/she will continue with my words in future. Because he is the future and is my, better than me, always but he is me, definitely.

I let you, right here a poem. Very bad:

A veces las palabras anudadas en el corazón

pugnan por latir

más allá del vendaval

que sin saber por qué

o para qué

me empeño en creer.

A veces las palabras anudadas en el corazón,

esas que callan acobardadas

pero sangran hirientes,

se disipan inconscientes

entre líneas de monitores

y poemas de carne.


aunque sea un poco

nada más,

me dejo sentir.

And, of course, a video:

Blog del Secretario Mike

Informacion de utilidad para docentes de Escuelas Secundarias Orientadas de Mendoza

Derrocando a Roca

Que al periodismo lo callen otros.


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